Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Blog Post 7

Vocab Unit 3:

10 Words Easy to Remember
1. hotel: el hotel, el hotel is spelled the exact same as the actual word
2. passport: el pasaporte, it is spelled similar to the word, and the pronunciation of the word would make it sound familar
3. male passenger: el pasajero , ends in an "o" so I would think it refers to a male
4. airline: aereolinea, "aereol" remind me of aerial, which makes me think of air, and line is in the spanish word 
5. female tourist: la turista, the word ends in an "a"
6. to board: abordar, spelled in a similar way board is spelled
7. to camp: acampar, the word "camp" is in this word
8. to fish: pescar, the noun "pescado" but instead to the animal, it's the action
9. gate: puerta, same noun as door
10. identification: la identificacion, similar spelling to the actual word

5 Words Hard to Remember
1. boarding pass: la tarjeta de embarque, nothing I can really find to fit the words to make it memorable 
2. key: le llave, no way I can think of to make it memorable 
3. to go through customs: pasar por la aduana, not familiar with the term overall
4. layover/one stop: con escala, "con" is what I known to be "with", but it this case, it's not
5. male tourist: el turista, similar to female tourist, so may get confusing

6. No me gusta viajar mucho, pero voy a Illinois para familia a veces

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