Monday, February 27, 2017

Blog Post 8

     There's a woman who wants to go on vacation. She want to go on vacation where it is hot and sunny. She decides to go to Cancun. She also wants to meet a rich man.
    She looks on the Internet in the site named, and she finds a man who is rich. The man's name is Juan and is the owner of an elegant hotel.
    The woman goes to Cancun and she goes to the hotel. She has suitcases. The biggest suitcase is for all her makeup. There is a short man in front of the hotel. The woman thinks he is the bellhop and gives him all her suitcases. "I'm looking for a man who is named Juan," she said.
    "My name is Juan. But all my friends call me Little Juan, very nice to meet you," the short man said to her.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Blog Post 7

Vocab Unit 3:

10 Words Easy to Remember
1. hotel: el hotel, el hotel is spelled the exact same as the actual word
2. passport: el pasaporte, it is spelled similar to the word, and the pronunciation of the word would make it sound familar
3. male passenger: el pasajero , ends in an "o" so I would think it refers to a male
4. airline: aereolinea, "aereol" remind me of aerial, which makes me think of air, and line is in the spanish word 
5. female tourist: la turista, the word ends in an "a"
6. to board: abordar, spelled in a similar way board is spelled
7. to camp: acampar, the word "camp" is in this word
8. to fish: pescar, the noun "pescado" but instead to the animal, it's the action
9. gate: puerta, same noun as door
10. identification: la identificacion, similar spelling to the actual word

5 Words Hard to Remember
1. boarding pass: la tarjeta de embarque, nothing I can really find to fit the words to make it memorable 
2. key: le llave, no way I can think of to make it memorable 
3. to go through customs: pasar por la aduana, not familiar with the term overall
4. layover/one stop: con escala, "con" is what I known to be "with", but it this case, it's not
5. male tourist: el turista, similar to female tourist, so may get confusing

6. No me gusta viajar mucho, pero voy a Illinois para familia a veces

Monday, February 13, 2017

Blog Post 6

Yo jugaba beisbol
Image result for baseball
Yo tenia el perro
Image result for dog
Yo era timido de nino
Image result for shy
Yo era feo
Yo queira computadora
Image result for laptop]
Me gustaba el parque
Image result for park
Me encantaba hamburguesas
Image result for hamburger
Yo Odiaba escuela
Image result for school
Yo Iba a Six Flags
Image result for six flags
Yo Vivia en Illinois
Image result for illinois