Monday, May 15, 2017

Blog 17

1. Imperfect
2. Preterite
3. Preterite
4. Preterite
5. Imperfect
6. Preterite
7. Imperfect
8. Preterite
9. Preterite
10. Preterite
11. Imperfect
12. Imperfect
13. Preterite
14. Imperfect
15. Imperfect
16. Imperfect
17. Preterite
18. Imperfect
19. Imperfect
20. Preterite
21. Imperfect
22. Imperfect

Monday, May 8, 2017

Blog Post 16

In 1861, Benito Juarez (1806 - 1872) was the president of Mexico. Mexico had a lot of financial problems. They couldn't pay the money that they had to pay other countries. It must have been a lot of money to three countries : France, Spain, and England.

France, Spain, and England sent naval ships to Veracruz, Mexico to demand the money. England and Spain spoke and negotiated with the leaders of Mexico. But the leader of France, Napoleon III saw an opportunity. He saw that he could convert Mexico to a French Empire. He could dominate Mexico.

Napoleon sent a big fleet of ships, weapons, and soldiers to Mexico. The French was very prepared and very powerful. The president Benito Juarez went north of Mexico to escape from the French soldiers.

The French had no fear. They thought the the Mexicans would not cause them a lot of problems. 6000 French troops marched to attack the city of Puebla. In the north, Benito Juarez forms a group of 2000 soldiers. The general Ignacio Zaragoza was going to be the leader of the soldiers. They were not professional soldiers. They were not prepared. But the Mexicans had a lot of heart and no fear. They had to protect to city of Puebla. Zaragoza and the men prepared to defend the city.

The French advanced to the city and assaulted to the north. The battle lasted all day. 500 french soldiers died in the battle, and 100 Mexican soldiers died. The french left from the city. The Mexicans celebrated the victory.

The battle from Puebla was not very important historically. France eventually dominated Mexico. But for Mexico, It was a very symbolic victory. It was symbolic of the unity and from patriotism of the people of Mexico.

France dominated Mexico for six years. The French leader of Mexico was named Ferdinand Maximiliano. In 1867, the soldiers of Benito Juarez captured Maxmiliano and he died.

There is a day, the 5th of May's not an important day in Mexico. There is no official festival day. But in the east of Puebla, where the victory occurred, there are many parties and events to see that day.

In the United States, the 5th of May is a very popular day, especially in areas with many Latina people. It's a a celebration of the Mexican Culture. There are parties, Mexican food, mariachi music, and the typical dances of Mexico.

Many people thought that the 5th of May is the day of independence of Mexico. But that is incorrect. Mexico declared independence of Spain the 16th of September 1810.

Image result for cinco de mayoImage result for cinco de mayo
Image result for cinco de mayoImage result for cinco de mayo

Image result for cinco de mayo

Monday, May 1, 2017

Blog Post 15

Mejor: Qebaptore a Bite of Europe
¿Por qué? La comida es muy preciso
Peor: Ippolito
¿Por qué? No me gusto Italian

La Zapatería:
Mejor: Famous Footwear
¿Por qué? Ellos tienen muy zapados que son Nike
Peor: Shoe Gallery
¿Por qué? no tiene mucho seleccion

La Farmacia:
Mejor: CVS
¿Por qué? Ellos son muy simpatico con todos
Peor: Walgreens
¿Por qué? es frustrante

La Joyería:
Mejor: Jz Jewelers Inc
¿Por qué? muy confiable
Peor: Charming Charlie
¿Por qué? no es confiable

La Librería:
¿Por qué?
¿Por qué?

La Panadería:
¿Por qué?
¿Por qué?

El Banco:
¿Por qué?
¿Por qué?

El Almacén:
¿Por qué?
¿Por qué?

El Consultorio (médic@):
¿Por qué?
¿Por qué?

El Consultorio (dentist@):
¿Por qué?
¿Por qué?

Monday, April 10, 2017

Blog Post 13

1.¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
Image result for gummies
2.Cuál es tu comida MENOS favorita? (no te gusta)
Image result for sushi
3.Tú tienes alergias (comida)
Yo no tengo alergias
4.Qué comiste ayer?
Image result for chicken strips
5.Qué comes hoy?
Image result for cinnamon toast crunch cereal to go
6.Comes en la cafetería?
A veces
7. Por qué / por qué no?
La comida es mal a veces
8.Tú comes comida chatarra (junk)?
Image result for gummy worms
9.Tú comes comida saludable?
Image result for fruit
10.Cuáles son tus sabores favoritos?
Picante y Dulce

Monday, March 27, 2017

Bost Post 12

  Part 1
  Yo fue a Illinois para ver mi familia. Yo fue durante Spring Break. Yo vivia con mi abuelos. Un hotel no necesita. Yo tenia un maleta que yo compartiba con mi hermana. Yo necesitaba los pantolones porque el tiempo. Tambien, yo necesitaba la chaqueta porque hacia frio. Yo necesitaba la camisa para la ropa. Yo tenia zapados. Yo necesitaba traje de bano porque yo fue a la piscina. Finalmente, yo necesitaba mi pajamas domir.

  Part 2
   $1, 848 is how much it would cost.

    Yo decido ir a Argentina porque yo prefiero calor.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Blog post 11

Presenting on #paperless classroom #SCOLT17 @_SCOLT_
1. I can see something like a paperless classroom. I am organized with my things, so I can keep up with my things. Though, I wouldn't mind a paperless classroom.

Southern Learning Community teacher  presenting Personalized Learning in WL #SCOLT17
@EstellaBCook @SandtownMS @fultonslc @DaraJonesWilson

2. Personalized learning isn't a bad thing to think about, but I feel like it would be hard to keep up with.

3. I don't really enjoy working with others all so much. I prefer individual work.

4. I find things like this helpful when it comes to comprehension

5. I agree with this, as sometimes students that don't have a good relationship with their teachers don't learn as others do.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Blog Post 10

    All of a sudden, the woman is turns red and leaves quickly. She is embarrassed and sad. She grabs her suitcases in the room, goes very fast and runs out the hotel, says "bye" to Juan and the receptionist. She takes an Uber and gets out in 3 minutes.
   She goes to the airport of Cancun, and in the time to check in the suitcases, she finds that she doesn't have her passport. It's in the hotel room. She yells, "Oh my God!" and begins to cry. She cries a lot. There is an employee in the airline, Delta, that says, " I can help you, miss." The woman stops crying, and smiles. The employee verified her licence, no passport, and there is no problem. She doesn't say thank you and gives no tip.

   The woman received her card to leave (It's a round trip flight), leaves her suitcases, and walks to security. She takes out the license for identification, but the security man says, "Stay here. please." The security man says that her license is expired! Ugh! She starts to cry, and the man says, "Do not cry, please, I can help you." The woman stops crying  and smiles. The director employee says that there is no problem. She passes by security and is happy. She doesn't say thank you and gives no tip.

   She looks on screens to look for the door of departure, and buys a sandwich and a soda because she is hungry. All of a sudden, after eating the sandwich, she doesn't feel good. She runs to the bathroom but before, vomits in the center of hallway, with all the passengers. She is very embarrassed and turns red. She falls and starts the cry when an employee comes up, says, "It's okay, miss, don't cry, I can help." She looks at the man and smiles; She is happy. The employees clean the vomit and the woman leaves; She doesn't say thank you and gives no tip.
   Finally, she makes it to the door, B4. Everyone has already boarded the plane, and the woman boards too (group 1 because her seat is 3C, in first class). She finds her seat and there is a man. He is dressed very elegantly. He is tall and good looking, and the woman is very happy.She smiles, blinks her eyes, and talks. The two converse during all the flight, 2 hours, and has positive and good chemistry. They eat diner, drink wine, and they laugh. But, all of a sudden, the man is not good. He vomits on all parts of the two seats, including the woman. She is surprised and starts to cry. He vomits again, and runs to the bathroom. The flight attendant runs and says, "I can help you, miss!" He brings towels and cleans all; the woman doesn't say thank you and gives no tip.

   Very soon, the plane lands and everyone leaves. The woman thinks that the man is in the bathroom, and she waits. She waits 5 minutes, then, goes to the bathroom and knocks on the door. She calls the man, He doesn't respond. She opens the door, and is surprised. The man isn't here! The flight attendant says that the man didn't pay. The woman, covered in vomit, without her passport, without her licence,  has to pay the account of the dinner and the bill: $200. She starts to cry.

   All of a sudden, She sees a note in the bathroom. It is not toilet paper. It is a note. It says, "Thanks for the food, the wine, and the conversation. Now, You can pay the price of being fake, and don't forgot the tip, Paulo (brother of Juan)." The woman starts to cry even more, and the employees laugh.

StoryBoard Part 4-5


Monday, March 6, 2017

Blog Post 9

When the woman was going to her room, she sees that her suitcases aren't there. She is angry because she has to wait. The short man goes to the room with the suitcases. The woman doesn't say thank you and she gives no tip. He is very tired, but he says nothing.

The woman has another problem. Now she can't open the door to her room. She doesn't understand the electronic key and that's why she yells,

"The stupid key doesn't work!"

Little Juan helps the woman with the key. Again, the woman doesn't say thank you and gives no tip.

The woman doesn't like the room. She says that the bathroom is dirty.

The woman looks for the owner in all parts. She looks for him in the restaurant, but she doesn't find him. She looks in the shops, but she doesn't find him. She looks in the pool, but she doesn't find him. Little Juan in the pool and she yells because he is in her way.

Finally, the woman goes and asks the receptionist who says that the owner is in the pool.

The woman finds that Little Juan is the owner of the elegant hotel!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Blog Post 8

     There's a woman who wants to go on vacation. She want to go on vacation where it is hot and sunny. She decides to go to Cancun. She also wants to meet a rich man.
    She looks on the Internet in the site named, and she finds a man who is rich. The man's name is Juan and is the owner of an elegant hotel.
    The woman goes to Cancun and she goes to the hotel. She has suitcases. The biggest suitcase is for all her makeup. There is a short man in front of the hotel. The woman thinks he is the bellhop and gives him all her suitcases. "I'm looking for a man who is named Juan," she said.
    "My name is Juan. But all my friends call me Little Juan, very nice to meet you," the short man said to her.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Blog Post 7

Vocab Unit 3:

10 Words Easy to Remember
1. hotel: el hotel, el hotel is spelled the exact same as the actual word
2. passport: el pasaporte, it is spelled similar to the word, and the pronunciation of the word would make it sound familar
3. male passenger: el pasajero , ends in an "o" so I would think it refers to a male
4. airline: aereolinea, "aereol" remind me of aerial, which makes me think of air, and line is in the spanish word 
5. female tourist: la turista, the word ends in an "a"
6. to board: abordar, spelled in a similar way board is spelled
7. to camp: acampar, the word "camp" is in this word
8. to fish: pescar, the noun "pescado" but instead to the animal, it's the action
9. gate: puerta, same noun as door
10. identification: la identificacion, similar spelling to the actual word

5 Words Hard to Remember
1. boarding pass: la tarjeta de embarque, nothing I can really find to fit the words to make it memorable 
2. key: le llave, no way I can think of to make it memorable 
3. to go through customs: pasar por la aduana, not familiar with the term overall
4. layover/one stop: con escala, "con" is what I known to be "with", but it this case, it's not
5. male tourist: el turista, similar to female tourist, so may get confusing

6. No me gusta viajar mucho, pero voy a Illinois para familia a veces

Monday, February 13, 2017

Blog Post 6

Yo jugaba beisbol
Image result for baseball
Yo tenia el perro
Image result for dog
Yo era timido de nino
Image result for shy
Yo era feo
Yo queira computadora
Image result for laptop]
Me gustaba el parque
Image result for park
Me encantaba hamburguesas
Image result for hamburger
Yo Odiaba escuela
Image result for school
Yo Iba a Six Flags
Image result for six flags
Yo Vivia en Illinois
Image result for illinois